Exclusive Interview with Lindsay Pulsipher

Lindsay Pulsipher plays the role of the young woman Crystal Norris, who is an important person in the life of Jason Stackhouse in season 3 and 4 of the mystery show "True Blood". Here Lindsay talks about working on the show, her appraoch to acting and the extraordinary working process on her recent film.

Foto: Copyright: JSquared Photography
© JSquared Photography

Note: © myFanbase 2011 - The interview is exclusive to myFanbase and may not be published on other websites or the like. You may share the first 2 questions or up to 160 characters if you link back to this site. Translations other than English and German may be posted with full credit including the writer's name and link to this site.

1. How did you get into acting?

From the time I was a little kid, I have always wanted to act. I was always writing my own plays, and making my friends or my sister act them out with me. We'd record them on our camcorder, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I started doing community theater, and then moved into film and television when I was in my late teens. I always knew in my heart that I'd be doing it professionally some day, and I feel really lucky to have it as my career.

2. What was the auditioning process like for "True blood" and how did you learn that you got the part of Crystal?

I auditioned twice, once with Alan Ball, and the casting directors, and then they brought me in to do a "chemistry" read with Ryan Kwanten, who plays Jason. I guess we had good chemistry, because I got the part! A few hours after I left the casting office, my manager and agent called me and let me know I got the part. Needless to say I was ecstatic.

3. Can we expect to see more of you as Crystal in season 4? If so, can you perhaps give us some scoop what’s going to happen with your character?

Crystal is definitely back for season 4. Without giving too much away, I can say she's a little bit crazier than before, and the audience gets to learn a little bit about where Crystal and the werepanthers come from.

4. You have a lot of scenes with Ryan Kwanten. What's working with him and the rest of the cast like?

I wish I got to work with everyone on this cast, because all of them are so talented, and funny, and just amazing people. Ryan is a really talented, spontaneous actor whose comedic timing is impeccable. He always keeps me on my toes. The casting department does a great job of casting incredible actors.

5. "True Blood" is very different from "Twilight" and "The Vampire Diaries", which mainly address a younger audience. How do you like the different approach "True Blood" takes?

Separate from being a story about vampires, and were-wolves and shapeshifters, "True Blood" is an extremely well written, smart, funny show. I think its audience appreciates that, and it doesn't hurt that it's a really sexy show, too!

6. There are some explicit scenes for adult viewers on "True Blood". Is it difficult or strange to shoot these scenes?

There is a running joke on set, that when you are asked to do a nude scene, you definitely aren't the first person to do it. Everyone has done it before you, so it makes it less of a big deal. That's not to say that it can't be uncomfortable. You're basically being asked to strip down in front of your friends and co-workers, which can be a little strange.

7. "True Blood" is a challenging show sometimes for viewers and probably for the actors, too. Is there something you wouldn't say or do in terms of storyline even in a high profile program?

There might be something, but I haven't had that happen yet!

8. Are you a method actor? If so, what does it feel to play a young woman in the strange society that Hot Shot is in the show?

For me, method acting would only get me so far, because it requires you to employ your own emotions and experiences and then apply it to the character. None of my life experiences this far would compare to those of Crystal Norris, or some of the other characters I have played. I don't want to use my own experiences for my characters because I've already dealt with those experiences, and now they are no longer emotional for me. So for me, I spend a lot of time viewing my character as a third person, as a spectator. It's amazing what you can learn by observing the character. I guess I use more of the Mikel Chekov technique. He was all about visualization, and associations through colors, and sounds.

9. Were there certain scenes on this show or on your other projects when the director talked you through a scene and you were really surprised of what was going to happen?

I am in a film called "The Oregonian" that played Sundance this year, that will be doing a theatrical release in the fall. It's a very surreal, kind of esoteric film about a girl's journey into the unknown. The director of the film, Calvin Reeder, had a very precise, specific vision of how he wanted the film to look, and feel. There are some extremely bizarre scenarios I had to go through in this film. I don't want to say too much, because it would spoil the viewers' experience, but I endured a lot of emotionally and physically draining situations in the film, and I kept trying to picture how it was going to turn out in the end. I trusted the director very much in the shooting process, and he definitely made a really beautiful, dark, strange film.

10. What was working with Patrick Swayze like when you were on "The Beast"? Can you tell us a little anecdote about working with him?

I have nothing but amazing memories of Patrick Swayze. He was one of the funniest, most talented, hard working people I knew. I feel so blessed to have been able to have worked with him. Working on "The Beast" was a bittersweet experience, knowing what he was going through. It was really hard for me to see. But I never once heard him complain, he was a true professional, and I looked up to him very much.

11. Can you tell us something about your new projects such as "Bonnie & Clyde"?

"Bonnie and Clyde" is in pre-production, and I'm not sure when it's going to start shooting.

12. If you could put together an entire crew for a movie or show: Who would be the director? Who would be the writer? And who would be in the leading role(s)?

In a dream world I would have Hal Ashby directing, Truman Capote writing, and Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland starring.

13. Since myFanbase is an online magazine about TV series, do you have a favorite show?

I don't watch too much TV, but I absolutely love "Breaking Bad" and "Big Love". Oh and "Unsolved Mysteries"!

Nicole Oebel - myFanbase