Interview with Matt Czuchry
We got the opportunity to do an interview with Matt Czuchry, the star from "Gilmore Girls". He talked about the show, his hopes for the upcoming season, his relationship with Alexis and answered questions from his fans...
We decided to publish the interview in English too, because we know that Matt has many fans from around the world and some of the fan questions were from them. So, we hope you enjoy it! :-)
The interview is (c) myFanbase 2006. Please do not copy it to other websites or messageboards.
1. You came to Gilmore Girls in the show’s fifth year. Do you remember what your first day on set was like? And isn’t it kind of like being the new kid in school when you start a new job where the whole crew worked together for years?
My first day on the set, my first interaction with the cast, my first scenes of GILMORE GIRLS, went kind of like this: Imagine you just moved to a new town. You know no one. You are unsure of yourself and nervous to find new friends. On your first day of high school in this new town, lunchtime comes. You know you have to eat, but you don’t know if you can pull off the small tasks of picking out the cool chips or fun drinks. But, you have to eat, and you also know that you better pick out that slice of pizza with confidence because all eyes are testing you. So you walk into the cafeteria, pretend like it is no big deal on the outside, as you begin to crumble on the inside. You make a couple of choices on what to eat, and then as you walk to your empty seat, a group who has been friends forever wave in your direction. They invite you over. You sit at their table. They welcome you in. And in that moment you have friends for life. You have a moment where you will be forever grateful for their kindness. You pass the first test. You settle into your chair, take your first bite, and find yourself looking around at all that is still left unknown. Grateful a few kind people took the time to let you into their group.
2. This is maybe the hundredth time you got this question, but what are your thoughts about Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino leaving the show and David Rosenthal taking over? And when did you receive the news?
Amy told me that she and Dan were not returning to the show during filming of the final episode this past season. Even though they will not be on set this upcoming season, their characters, their voice, their town, their vision, remain. They created the show. They are the foundation of our success. That foundation remains. Once that foundation is built, it remains always until the show is no longer on the air.
3. It is always reported that at the end of each season, the crew is watching all the bloopers from the year. Tell us: Who screws up the most?
I have never seen a blooper reel from Gilmore Girls and I can’t really say who screws up the most because my mind does not work that way. If you think that you or the other actor is screwing up, then your missing opportunities for honest moments in a scene. It is a process to find a scene. That process has many different elements to it. If you are staying true to the scene, then stuff just happens. You don’t put a value on things. When you find yourself really letting go, then sometimes the "mistakes" are the most honest and interesting aspects of the scene.
4. Have you heard anything about what the writers plan for your character next season? Do you think Logan is really going to be in London and what will this mean to his relationship with Rory in your opinion?
We usually don’t hear about storylines until very close to the filming of that particular episode. I have yet to hear about the direction for Logan’s storylines in the upcoming season. My hope is that the audience will get to see Logan take on his adult responsibilities and thrive in the business world. Personally, I would love to see Logan apply his spontaneous nature and love of life to the challenges he finds with the paper and his fast approaching adult life he has resisted to this point.
As for Rory and Logan together, distance makes the heart grow fonder. With that, I could see Rory and Logan becoming more mature in their support for each other. A deeper friendship could develop as Rory grows closer to the end of her stay at Yale. A friendship that would survive even if the relationship becomes too difficult.
5. How would you feel about this being the possible last season of Gilmore Girls. Do you feel that after seven years it is time to end the show or do you think the writers could come up with interesting stories, maybe even beyond year 7? And the most important question: Would you be interested in playing Logan for more than one year?
One of my favorite shows was SIX FEET UNDER. As an audience member, I really appreciated knowing at the beginning of the season that it was the last for the show. In addition, the final episode was beautiful in the way they brought the show and its characters to completion. In summary, the last season of the show fulfilled my time as an audience member. I wish the same for the fans of GILMORE GIRLS. The fans of GILMORE GIRLS deserve to know when the end is here so that they can have closure with these characters that they have lived with for so long. Whenever the last season is for GILMORE GIRLS, I hope the writers and producers know in the appropriate time so as to give the fans time to gain closure with the show that they love. Cross your fingers that indeed this does happen because although this situation is desirable, it is often not achieved due to the constraints of television.
As with the decisions of how long Logan will be around, that question can’t be answered until other elements of the show are answered. I love this character and the opportunity to be on a show that I respect and enjoy. That much I can say today.
6. How much of Logan Huntzberger is in Matt Czuchry? Are you anything like Logan in real life?
Playing Logan has enriched my personal life. As I have discovered the thoughts that make Logan tick, I have tried to embrace the good found in him and resist the bad.
7. What are you doing this summer? And do you have any plans for future projects you can share?
This summer I have enjoyed my time off through travel, friends, and family.
Since GILMORE GIRLS begins filming shortly, the new season is my main focus career wise currently.
8. Since Germany is currently hosting the soccer world cup, are you interested in soccer? And have you ever been to Germany or Europe?
The World Cup is my favorite sporting event. Every four years during this time my life becomes all about soccer. Wake up early. Get the T.V. ready. Call my brother and chat about the line-ups. Watch the game. Then after the game, call my brother back and chat about the moments we enjoyed. I am always quite depressed when each World Cup ends. Each year I try to find a way to attend the event in person, that has not happened yet, but it will.
My sister was married in Germany so I have a very special bond with the country. I have been to Europe several times and each time I go, I don’t want to come home. Europe is an incredible place filled with people who celebrate their lives. Each time I come back from my travels to Europe, my appreciation for life grows.
Continue to part 2: fan questions
His thoughts on Logan Huntzberger, his relationship with Alexis Bledel and his reaction to the birthdaybook from his fans...
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